Academic Advising

Newly Declared Majors

After declaring your major in the Reich College of Education (RCOE), you are assigned to a professional academic advisor located in the James Center for Student Success and Advising. You will receive an email that details your next steps, including setting up an initial appointment with your assigned academic advisor. Your advisor is also listed in DegreeWorks.

Please note that major declaration is a manual process and it can take several weeks to process new majors in RCOE. You are encouraged to meet with your academic advisor every term to ensure that you remain on track for your graduation plan, understand important college policies, and learn about your resources and support.

Applying to Teacher Education

Students who are interested in becoming educators are required to apply to Teacher Education. Required Praxis scores, criminal background check approvals must be received and prerequisites met prior to submission of Teacher Education application.

Learn more about applying to Teacher Education.

Steps to Teaching

The Mountaineer Steps to Teaching is a process that guides pre-service teacher educators through the processes of becoming a teacher. This programming is by invitation only for students that meet the criteria for each of the Steps to Teaching.

Learn more about Steps to Teaching

Schedule an Appointment

Make appointments for in-person or zoom advising, testing support, student teaching guidance and more.

Academic Advising Team

Jonathan Clem
(828) 262-2696
Boone Campus:
Elementary Education
Special Education: Adapted Curriculum and General Curriculum
(828) 262-8914
Boone Campus:
Elementary Education
Middle Grades Education
CTE (Licensure): All Programs
Hickory Campus:
Elementary Education
Middle Grades Education
CTE: All Programs
Michael Jones
(828) 262-2685
Boone Campus:
Elementary Education
Birth to Kindergarten Education
Child Development
Online Programs: Birth to Kindergarten Education